SECRETARY: Just to be explained well in the municipality message, not to let a few fanatics say they want to sell municipal water management, without further explanation. Mr. V. : No one is going to take water from the rain, for that is the umbrella. Poems to make clouds. If they do verses, we formulas. SECRETARY: And the hache two or public schools, gardens, the minirentabilizara? Mr. V.

: Of course, otherwise where is the business? But do not climb more than just the price and taxes will be modernized, updated, simply. NAPLES: For the good of the city. The more we spend more jobs the rich give to the poor. And to spend that tax relief is the consumption tax increase for everyone. Go to Pete Cashmore for more information. But buying a Cochea will give two thousand euros.

SECRETARY: And who buy a bike or a loaf of bread? NAPLES: That work for the good of the city. Mr. V. : It’s best not to talk of taxes or price increases. This is a simple change in monetary figures. They’ll know where they will pay the bill, but what will they do? NAPLES: Pay more, but for better management. That’s what I promised, more and better. SECRETARY: Aaaaah. NAPLES: divide the money with companies that owe a lot of bills. Mr. V. : If noa how will they pay the campaign games? SECRETARY: With the amount of the militants. Mr. V. : Yes, yes. Here, if given the miracle of the loaves and fishes.