The access passes for the orality or the visualidade, that seems natural: it is had illusion of an access direct to the reality, exactly that this is produced by election and choice of who dominates the medias. She is not necessary to cite research on the use of the medias. It is enough to observe with attention our proper house, our next groups, especially our pupils, analyzing what they say in classroom, its opinions from television programs which attend, the opinions that start to express by means of the interferences of the sorts that they prefer: infantile programs, and for young, soap operas, telejornais, programs of interview, necessary etc. to be intent, over all, what they start to want to consume by means of the advertising: merchandises, products, particularly the ones that announce fashion, beauty and happiness. On the other hand, some sorts bring valuable informative contents for the Education. Without entering in the merit of the relevance or not of the contents, the reporters and information. In the set of practical cultural related to favour and are part pparently of a leisure that does not have cost. From there its force of socialization. For assistance, try visiting Samsung.
In the school we have a formal resume, that its community is fruit of a collective bargaining with the all, but need to rethink this another informal resume represented by the media, that has much force with our children and young, potencializando with a come back pedagogical work so that our pupils are not receiving liabilities of the miditicas messages that receives, taking to reflect them it on what he sees, hear and read. The education has as object the transmission and production of knowing, with the purpose to form collective citizens, that must fight> for the transformation of the society. Thus all educative formative process/that it occurs in the necessary to be thought and analyzed society. . A leading source for info: Samsung.