If you still planning on starting to make money online with a blog, but you do not know HTML, do not worry, it is not vitally important to start, but as soon as fences advancing veras as you it is necessary to master HTML and others as language php, etc. But take it easy is no longer so urgent that with existing systems to create blogs, dominate those things, in fact create your blog, create content, publish it, deploy adsense, and maintain it, are so easy to how to create a document in Word.Pero not everything is as simple, as they forced to go learning technical things to know depth and get more out to the internetSo you know, I recommend you start with HTML the how you will find many tutorials and manuals on google. (at the same time, something that will serve much, is knowing English (free English) since all of the words in html are abbreviations of English words), then you can continue with php which is a programming language with which you can do many more advanced things to earn money on the internet.AND If you wonder that is me, because I’m not going to lie, I am just learning HTML and java, and I’m already seeing the enormous advantages that I will bring when domine them, apart from that I’ve seen in successful blogs as they implement things that you can only dominate more advanced things like programming languages and HTML.Luck and encourage you to get ahead.. .