In many parts of the world, mainly in east, the pilgrims and the monks used a long cane (Bo) to help themselves to walk and to defend themselves of animal, of attackers who attacked in the ways. The Bo is a weapon in the form of long twig or pole, done generally of wood (it rivets, bamboo, etc.), the Bo exists in diverse cultures, varying its weight, length, flexibility and decoration. In Japan concretely, development a style where east type of arms known like Bo-Jitsu was used. The Bo word in fact is a Rokushakubo abbreviation makes reference to the cane of 1,80 cm. although it meant Roku (six in Japanese), shaku a measurement used formerly in Japan that is equivalent to 30 cm. therefore rokushakubo means six cane of shakus. The Bo is divided in three parts, the part superior is called TEN that means sky, the average part JIN, that means man and the inferior CHI that means earth.
Also shorter variants that are something, of 1,20 and 1,40 cm. exist. before World War II he was used by the Japanese police and it was known him like Jo. The practice of the Bo is used mainly for the development of the perfection in the corporal movements; it is used following a movement landlord to circulate, the blows and pinchazos are linear attacks or angular, for blows of it arrives-down, the feet go open and they are maintained On guard horizontal Bo discharge, for lateral blows in the middle of the body, the cane must be in vertical position and the pinchazos they are possible to be given with anyone of the ends. In world exists several types of Bo; in India for example, it is known as Lathi its length is approximately of 2,30 cm. and it is used in rotatory techniques in order to maintain the enemy remote.
In China Kuin is called and most in rotatory techniques is used. In the islands of the Philippines a short cane of about 90 cm. exists is used one in each hand, which it is known him as Arns of hand. In Thailand this the Krabi-krabing that it means sword and cane. In France the Canne is used that it means cane of stroll unlike the other canes of the different cultures that are used with the two hands this is used with a single and in Italy, this the Paranza or art of the Sicilian cane, this remote discipline battle for 1200 years in which the agriculturists, shepherds gave use double him since it was his instrument of work that used also it to defend itself of attackers and animal that attempted against their cattle or culture, its handling consisted of circular motions continuous calls mills. In the system of Kenpo bo in the same way has had a very promising evolution at the same time, giving another type of a little simplistic shade in its movements in which they would be discarded those aesthetic movements but without losing its effectiveness like natural weapon, the arms are an extension of our own body. By Victor Fernando Bauelos and Prof.