Almost all of the assets would be willing to sponsor a disabled person but believe only half of French would be willing to do 94% of assets are reported ready to sponsor a disabled person but they are only 57% thought that French people in general would be willing to do so. Strongly committed to equal opportunities at work, your supermarket and online supermarket Monoprix, is mobilized to promote the integration of persons with disabilities. With his experience in the field, the sign of supermarket online supermarket launched with the assistance of IPSOS, a study highlighting the difference in perception of the French vis-a-vis the host and the integration of persons with disabilities in the workplace. The young executives, "embarrassed" by the disability, have some way to make There is a widespread desire to help but who faces the embarrassment of youth and leaders: Although 98% of respondents express positive feelings towards people with disabilities, first line "the desire to help" 98% "sympathy" to 95% and 61% of respondents indicated their willingness to become involved in supporting a disabled person, certain categories of people say they feel embarrassment against a disabled worker: 38% of 25-34 years and 45% executives. A study confirms that Monoprix in its approach inclusive of employees with disabilities The results of this study support Monoprix in its task of tutoring based on voluntary workers and to give those who want the opportunity to accompany disabled workers in their first weeks of work. They also encourage Monoprix in the steps it has undertaken since several years for reception and integration of persons with disabilities through its Disability Team. Mission Handicap Monoprix accompanies the process of teaching in four areas: – enhancing the recruitment: the second three-year agreement (2008 – 2010) provides 150 of 180 recruitments have been made to date.
– Developing the proximity evaluation by disabled workers in the disability process – group facilitate integration with sponsors that accompany the new employee with a disability in its first week in stores, awareness sessions for managers … – improving the continued employment through specific training aimed at changing the employee in the store About Monoprix: Leader of Commerce downtown, Monoprix is present in 85% of cities over 50,000 inhabitants. Since 2008, Monoprix offers an online shopping service, which allows you not only save time and avoid the crowds, but more importantly to enjoy the comforts of home delivery. The group has over 300 stores and nearly 20,000 employees. Its turnover in 2008 was 3 665 M consolidated (IFRS). Press Contacts: Monoprix: Jonathan Be – 01 78 99 95 97 – Euro RSCG C & O: Marie-Murault 01 58 47 95 49 – @ marie.murault