Beam home eco-friendly, practical and accessible, they are easy to install, retain heat well and are attractive in appearance. When the wooden houses were built only of timber, and the main tool in the wooden construction was ax. With the advent of "Machine Age" came to replace the log beams – beam with a rectangular cross-section. Houses made of beams more manufacturable, they have a smooth wall, it is easier to build, easier to finish: siding, blockhouse, with facing brick. The most inexpensive of them – at home from a bar of natural moisture, the most prestigious and elite – also from a bar, just glued. The main properties and indisputable log houses: 1.Nizkaya thermal conductivity.

Due to the low heat lumber home easily warmed and keep their heat. Beam house retains heat better than brick buildings, while in winter they are easily heated and long retain heat in the summer house of timber, not warm in the sun and retain the natural freshness. 2.Ekologichnost. Wood greenest building material and building a house using only natural wood. 3.Vysokaya Vapor.

Due to the high water vapor permeability, which has a wood house 'breathe', thus creating a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere in the room. 4.Ekonomichnost. Houses are available and cost-effective, due to relatively low cost material and low costs for construction work. Bruce would more accurately calculate the amount of material, thus eliminating the overpayment of excess, unused material. Prices construction of log houses, as well as the cost of lumber for the house, you can look at the project page. 5.Nadezhnost and durability. During the construction of houses of timber is used only high-quality wood, treated with special impregnation solution that protects wood from rot and insects. In addition, the beam has the lowest percentage of shrinkage – 1%, and retains original shape even after many years. Thus, the home of timber – an affordable and environmentally friendly, reliable and durable, and comfortable and attractive-looking home. House of the profiled bar of natural humidity similar properties and appearance to the houses of logs. These homes can not bind inside and outside, timber postrogan on both sides, it is desirable only resurfacing after drying and painting. In order to prevent rainwater from numb outdoor wall in the gap between the rims of a log house, the upper and lower bounds for timber have a special profile. During the construction of a wooden house shaped timber of natural moisture can not reach the same precision coupling bars, as for houses from glued beams, because after making his parts during transportation and assembly of the house, timber continues to dry, and therefore distorted. In addition, in the process of drying wood in facial surfaces of the timber may cause cracks. These disadvantages are offset by the relatively low price: the cost of the profiled bar of natural moisture content is less than the cost of a laminated board more than doubled.