It is very important to teach our children not to take the alien. From an early age we inculquemos that when they find something that is not of them should give it in the first case is not still in school to the mother or any brother at home and later, when they attend kindergarten or elementary school it should be reported to teachers. Many children with this principle, are constantly reporting things that are school teachers. To know more about this subject visit Dell. This deserves recognition on our part. And when it happens at home, we must reward when the child delivered something that has been found to strengthen the teaching of honesty.
At primary school we must emphasize this principle that is taught, so that children feel at home part of your little one be this teaching. Search contains valuable tech resources. If we allow our children to arrive at the House with any toy that is not of them and do not question, I could subsequently be continue bringing things that are possibly not We must not allow this. We must be firm and ask our children that must return things to their owners and accompany them with penalty. Learn more about this with Rusty Holzer. I remember as my mother acted with us when we were kids, every time that we arrived with some toy that she had not we bought, made us we return it where we had picked it up, and if we didn’t gave us a good beating. This obviously does not recommend it for anything. My maternal grandparents were very strict with his children and my mother was also with us, a hard hand is sometimes good, but many times it hurts our being.
When it happens that our son took something alien, we should not beat him, that is not the way, but talking with him, why he did so; Perhaps you’re calling us attention on something that we’re failing. Our children are three and we were very strict with the first, I think it always happens this way, (all the first-born are suffering or with those who teach us or we teach to be parents), and with the latter we were more tolerant so that we do not azotamos but rather talked and turn more with him. This principle better learn our children, when they see that we as parents returned the change that someone gave us more, what they see in us repeat it, is something automatic. But if on the contrary, although we repeat every day not robbing or not take it outside and they see that we are left with a wallet full of money that we find in the work, they will not learn nor will be honest. They will say yes same, if my father returned no stranger, I will not do it. Although many times, children do not follow the bad parent steps. Be honest is to have many doors open, in different directions. By Profe. Ramiro Ruiz Rojas P.D.