Tailor-made concepts still scarce Dusseldorf/Munchen / Balingen of dreams every customer: short before his factory warranty expires, reports to the Service Department of the manufacturer. You would like to check the system, parts replaced if necessary as a precautionary measure, and so make sure that the plant free of defects goes out of the warranty period. In the oft-cited service desert such a scenario acts like a Fata Morgana, and yet there are manufacturers who know to satisfy their customer’s desire for good and sustainable service\”, write Frank Reichert and Michael Sanchez in the December issue of the magazine sales industry. The action of the Raj in the service desert was however still long not been muted. Two consultants Barkawi management consultants have found that many products without additional services are offered.

Customized services are scarce. d properly. And so some customer quickly reaches the limits of goodwill with the provider, the service in its calculation not foreseen or wrong votes has. Often, the subject in the company enjoys so little attention that there are no clear structures. For customers seeking is after the right person then quickly to the walk through a maze\”, thus enriching and Sanchez. Isearch shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Here, a fundamental rethinking is needed. After all, service become the Rotary and pivot in the competitive markets often customer-friendly service make even a prerequisite for survival. The service champions would now characterized by a high share of service sales in the total volume of business. He lies with manufacturers of durable goods already at 45 percent.

Some device manufacturers come to over 60 per cent. The authors situate in their study of winning with service excellence\”Reichert and Sanchez exemplary industries such as mechanical engineering or the high-tech industry. Here, for example, remote method, so the remote maintenance of machines and equipment, a significant contribution to the success of the service would provide.