The austerity consists, according to our politicians, in tightening the belt of the others. For that reason, the first cuts of Rodriguez Zapatero have come to congeal the pensions, to reduce the wage of the civil servants, to reduce the pharmaceutical cost and to trim benefits of the Law of Dependency. Then, to clean up the task this is in bullfighting terms the high positions of the Administration also have lowered the pay. " That reduction of national debt is very bien" , their European colleagues to our economic vice-president, Elena Salgado, " have said to him; but to the 11,000 million saving ms" is necessary to add other 8,000;. From where to remove them: of the Independent Communities and the City councils.
The numbers do not deceive. Of to be certain the cut that it is about to see, to the Valencian Community would correspond about 550 million to him. In a shining game of prestidigitacin, Gerald Camps announced that he would gather up 305 million of the budgets of 2010 by diverse concepts. He is credible the promise? At least, it is from difficult fulfillment in a Consell that during the first trimester of this year has increased its debt a 16.2 percent, until arriving at 15.1% of the GIP, and that considers secrets numerous expenses public, including the received thing of CACSA by Santiago Calatrava. Then, at least on the paper, the accounts always finish squaring thanks to capable countable artifices that the Sindicatura de Cuentas does not question. In this cruel world, no supervise organism puts in doubt nothing don’t mention it. Thus the deficits of Greece and Hungary could be camouflaged, just like Arthur Andersen said that Enron went like a motorcycle days before its bankruptcy and that Price Waterhouse gave by good the balance of Banesto the same eve of its intervention by the Bank of Spain.