The destruction of the Shaolin Temple occurred in the tenth second year of the reign of Yung Jing, in the year of 1734. The effectiveness of fight and the revolutionary activities of the Shaolin systems of the South had scared Emperor Ching at that time. The Ching empire commanded to the destruction of the Shaolin Temple of the South through the promotion of a great fire, for the structure of the temple. The surviving members had been spread for the provinces of the South. Front to this destruction, some monjes had obtained to escape leaving for private doors of the temple or if hiding for the forest. Ng Mui was one of the survivors. Now for other discrete forms of private societies, many of these revolutionaries had continued to spread its activities and styles of fight against the Ching dynasty. In the years of Emperor Manchu Yung Cheng (1723-1736), Ng Pak Cheung de Wu, also known as Tan Sau Ng, brought its abilities of Fat San and organized the Koon Hung Fan Wui.

Hung Fan Wui Koon means the flower red of the Union. When the Shaolin Temple was burnt, monja Ng Mui already had returned to the Temple of the White Gara, Bak Hok Jee; of the Daliangshan Mountains in the borders of the provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan, specifically in the mount Tai Leung. Kept in secret, the techniques of Ng Mui tinho not yet been taught or shown to others monges or masters of the temple. Later, between 1744 and 1748, in the village below, it knew the old Yim Yee and its son Yin Wing Chun, of who many times it bought tofu when she went to make purchases in the fair. Certain day, talking with Yim Yee, was knowing that it had trained kung fu, in a next temple the Kwang Tung, place that has that to leave due to the problems created by the Manchus, of the Ching empire, and that certain evildoer, of Wong name, threatened to take its son to the force.