If a family has children, for their clothing on the bottom plate can be installed hooks. Good idea for a small kitchen – stained his hands. Kitchen in studio apartment kitchen bears a considerable functional load. It is not just a place for cooking, but also room for its reception. Therefore, how much thought out placement of furniture and equipment depends on the convenience and comfort of the "warm" place your home.
In domestic practice, the most common Front-row work. Given the technology of food processing, placement of equipment begins with site selection for the refrigerator. Next, install the desktop, cupboard, housing the utensils and food, washing, gas or electric stove. If the dimensions allow the kitchen, the sink can be separated by a desk with a storage capacity of detergents, etc. Given the growth of people, their ergonomic features, the height of the working surface is 85 cm from the floor, the distance from it to the bottom of wall cabinets, designed for dishes and products – 40-50 cm, the distance from the floor to the top – no more than 210 cm individual character of a kitchen in many ways determined by the organization placing of furniture in the dining area. To create a cozy interior is also influenced by the nature and finishing equipment included in the working area, well, something would have been present in the interior thread the tree. In recent years significantly increased the production and sale of various types of kitchen furniture and equipment of domestic and foreign production.