ThinPrint printing expert provides its cloud-computing strategy before Berlin/Hannover, 2 March 2010 at CeBIT, the ThinPrint AG in Hall 3, A24 presented their solutions and strategies for the V-cloud and the Web cloud. Cloud computing offers excellent opportunities to conserve resources and save costs. But how can I print a document from the cloud to a printer at work? ThinPrint, since ten years market leader and pioneer of printing in distributed environments, presented his cloud printing solutions at CeBIT. His solutions for the cloud, ThinPrint distinguishes between V-cloud and Web cloud. V cloud stands for all cloud-computing solutions, running on a hypervisor, so a virtualization software, based.
In this area provide the established .print products that are already in use worldwide in over 10,000 companies, for the required pressure optimization. For more information see:. In the second area, the Web cloud, jobs with all necessary applications will be provided as a pure Web applications. Google apps, as well as the mid-2010 published Web version of Microsoft Office 2010 are just two examples. A device used then overcomes even no or only a limited printing system has, so had to be waived so far the print output.
Remedy ThinPrint here with its printing solutions for the Web cloud. ThinPrints strategy: the complete pressure system is moved to the cloud, and the Terminal serves only as a tool for communication between application and printer. Devices with low computing power, such as for example, smartphones, can be integrated in this way. Support for devices with Google chrome OS is expected for the fourth quarter to 2010. “With our new products and the purely Web-based Office suites, make themselves highly productive and full employment. The workplace of the future in the situation will enable, in comparison to previous desktop strategies for infrastructure, software licenses and Maintenance to save huge costs”, as Carsten Mickeleit, CEO of ThinPrint. “Due to the reduced requirements on the infrastructure, a dynamic growth is feasible, and the increasingly important integration of smartphones is already included with our virtual-desktop-processes technology.” This press release is under press releases, press photos are available here: press photos ThinPrint AG ThinPrint specializes in optimized print data transmission in distributed networks. The ThinPrint .print technology has established itself as a leading print management software and is today in companies in any industry and size in all regions of the world successfully used. The application spectrum of the .print technology is this broad and provides among others in Terminal Services environments, client-server architectures, SAP environments, Web and mobile applications, the host printing, as well as in virtualized server or desktop environments for highly efficient print management. A dense Distribution network ensures an optimal customer support site with more than 500 qualified distributors and resellers in over 80 countries. 120 ThinPrint employees ensure steady growth in addition to the headquarters in Berlin (Germany), as well as in offices in Denver, Colorado (United States), Cleveland, Ohio (United States) and Sydney (Australia). Strategic and OEM partnerships with leading hardware and software manufacturers ensure that the ThinPrint .print technology like no other print management solution in almost every distributed network environment with printers, print boxes, and thin clients from manufacturers such as Hewlett & Packard, Lexmark, Kyocera Mita, Ricoh, SEH, Wyse, Neoware u.v.m can be used. Among the most important strategic partners of the company are, among other Citrix, Juniper Networks, Microsoft, VMware.