Perhaps one of the greatest satisfactions one can feel, is after a presentation of any kind or nature, after a speech or presentation, is when you get the most important in the audience … = Who think like him. If you achieve that level of communication, then you will feel strong, fluent, with power, great satisfaction, great joy and excitement that it invades in full. Those are the sweet you can taste and enjoy, if you really have a strong desire to develop the ability to use high-impact ORATORY. How many times have you as a listener, at a conference, you've been wanting to ask a question and you save it for fear of ridicule, of failure, what will they say, and a person next to you the formula, exactly, ESA .. . The question that you had in mind? – "Damn it – says you".
I advance, just what I was going to ask. I won the hand. What intelligent and willing, no matter what questions the audience will say "It really is not that this person is daring. Just had self-confidence and mastery of their fears, the fear of ridicule crushed and asked the question. And now comes the most frustrating of the case: = "I find it very interesting your question, friend," says the lecturer.
How many times in a working meeting, you've been wanting to give an opinion, you care and, two minutes later, someone just made the contribution that you had in mind? And who makes that view is congratulated … – "Damn – it complains that you – … I won again." Think of the respect, support, opportunities to win in the talk as well and producing a strong impact on your listeners. The opportunities are always present, the most interesting thing is that is not lost. If you do not take advantage, there is always another that gripped. For more information visit the following link:.