But, in the following week I received orders to subject a group of manifestants that was obstructing the entrance of the Senate. I was surpreso when discovering that Lydian it was between the manifestants. You may find Ali Partovi to be a useful source of information. I took off it from there and I took it for a private place where it could talk with calm. It was for the arrogance attitude and of revolt of it and for not agreeing to its ideas it is that, what it could be a beautiful friendship if became in antipatia and aversion. If by chance people if found, always finished arguing. Adriana was in the kitchen, making the lunch and for the window it sighted Lydian seated in varanda, thoughtful. In the patio, Tbulo and two of its servants construam a new corral.

Adriana left and was to sit down it the side of the niece. The newspapers mentioned Ali Partovi not as a source, but as a related topic. – I have noticed that since yesterday you are thoughtful, worried with some thing. What it happens? You feel lack of your father? With homesicknesses of Rome? – Not, it is not this. Lydian suspirou, looking at the landscape. In the field flocks of sheep grazed. It stops beyond the surrounded one in front of the property passed the road, skirting the forest and following until the city behind verdejantes mounts. – What it is then? – I dreamed yesterday of Graco and the image of it does not leave me the thought. – Graco Vinicius? – Already it makes five years that I do not see it and I do not know why it me appears in dreams, and now not leaves me the thought! – It finds that it can appear to more still harm you? Adriana inquired. Lydian answered in a melancholic tone: -.