Who has turned on the clock? The hourglass runs: contract doctors are legally obliged to introduce a quality management system in their practice by the end of 2009. It is the company 5medical management managed to develop a quality management system that provides real relief for all surgeries. Here is something for every practice, you can choose between a practice CD or a private QM portal (online)! The online version has the advantage of 24 hours having access to it on the day. If you would like to know more then you should visit Dave Clark Flexport. You can work so comfortably from home. Up to 80% time saving is possible, because all quality management norm required documents are delivered directly. A small excerpt of the QM documents: sample quality manual according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 (90% completed), it must only the Red given places in the Guide revised pattern-hygiene Guide to RKI in addition a wide selection of quality management documents (procedures, hazardous material documentation, hygiene, emergency management, straightening & guidelines, checklists, MPG documents) etc.) Sample questionnaires for: patient survey, employee survey, employee appraisals, goal, supplier evaluation, internal audit, self-assessments, management review, annual target plan) and a lot more benefits the uberezeugen: the quality documents are up-to-date and widely available all documents and instructions at a glance no overhead for copying and distributing important documents easy to maintain and update useful functions such as appointment reminder and internal communication quality manual button available no “Ordneritis” more and paperless documentation this is quality management practical and time-saving can be implemented.
Karin is the specialist in the medical field letter, she manages and advises practices around to the topic of quality management nationwide. Through the implementation of in-house training, get any practice where it is just displayed. In the training, implemented the first steps together, and the other set equal to. Each practice will receive their individual QM concept and implementation plan. Your request can You immediately send letter to our QM specialist Karin: Homepage: author: Nicole Goltermann, Meerbusch, the August 11, 2009