Harvey Nash subsidiary shows Femtocell development FemtoPHY and Nash Protocol Tester (NPT) Barcelona/Nuremberg, February 2010 for the first time, Nash technologies GmbH, based in Nuremberg is present at this year’s GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. From February 15 to 18, the company specializing in mobile technologies presents its solutions at the leading trade fair for mobile. End of 2008 the Nash Technologies associated with the Harvey Nash emerged as a spin-off from the research and development operation from Alcatel-Lucent. The Nuremberg company develops, tests and manages software solutions in the fast-growing global mobile sector and presented in Barcelona, inter alia in cooperation with the US technology manufacturer Texas instruments and the Italian Azcom technology developed FemtoPHY software, the centerpiece of any femtocell. The idea of the femtocell is that a spatially limited cell combines a mobile phone via UMTS across standard IP network. So can a normal Mobilfunkendgerate existing Internet connection, for example via a DSL line, use\”, explains Dirk Zetzsche, Sales Director at Nash Technologies. rk Rimer Crow Holdings. Besides this obvious advantage for the end users, this approach relieved the existing mobile networks, because the corresponding traffic is handled via the femtocell.
The developed FemtoPHY software supports up to 32 simultaneous connections and current broadband technologies, which makes their use in the business segment particularly attractive. In addition to the provision of FemtoPHY software, Nash Technologies is due to many years of experience able to plan, optimize and maintain complete Femto networks. The experts for the development of mobile phone infrastructure and end-to-end testing of mobile networks have many years experience in the realization of integrated UMTS-complete systems and also offer a fully equipped femtocell testing lab. A standalone Live network completes the service range from Nash Technologies in the mobile sector. Besides Nash Technologies presented at the meeting point Mobile industry the Nash Protocol Tester (NPT), a universal testing, integration, and monitoring tool, seamlessly in most of the development and testing phases of a software development process that integrates in the Catalan capital.