The comp & Ben software promotes the lawful implementation of improving pay and ensures that tax inspections all documents consistently can be detected since one year HR IT Solutions, S.L.., successfully in use is the software of the comp & Ben. Employers from different sectors with staff of twenty-two thousand employees have optimized their pay systems with the software and you can manage them continually about. “The demand for more net” increasingly rises through the tax-free or tax-advantaged benefits and compensation components. Since regularly access the possibilities the net content optimization the renowned print and online media like Handelsblatt, Foundation financial test, evening newspaper, etc, employers are almost forced to deal more intensively with the topic. Charge optimisation – theme for the suggestion recently at comp & Ben the request of an engineer from a company with over 300 employees did, of the Charge optimization want to record in the suggestion. IT tool clean and clear analysis of the potential to be the comp & Ben HR create and reproduce the corresponding exact salary comparisons.
This is important so that the employer can at first define the strategy that best meets its business objectives. Experienced service provider took over the management in the past few years following the implementation of compensation optimization. But the increased demand on the part of the employer, the growing number of providers and the high wage costs of this originally very labor-intensive services necessitated the development of a practical and at the same time future-oriented software. Manage the first analysis about the salary benchmark for project execution and implementation in the payroll to manage legal and liability-secure payments in kind and modification operations at the participating employees everything can be done for more than a year electronically. What can be completed electronically, such as monthly price queries at the petrol stations for fuel grades according to the fuel vouchers, is done by a competent, German-speaking support center. “” The charge optimization with the software is not only convenient and affordable for the employer, but also a higher legal and liability security offers, as the manual “Management, is rather an additional benefit of the random”, explains Peter Freund, CEO of comp & Ben HR IT Solutions, S.L….
All previously TuV certified processes have been programmed into the software, that are required for the implementation and management. Since they now automatically expire, deviations or error are virtually excluded. That promotes the implementation of law and ensures that all documents for income tax or social security checks can be detected consistently”, as Peter Freund. High levels of satisfaction among customers and partners about the software, as well as the support expressed also the partners of comp & Ben highly satisfied, see references. Specialists from the fields of taxes, occupational pensions (bAV) and law firms have discovered the software to to expand your existing customer business and to successfully enter into the acquisition of new customers. Employers who right – and liability-safe and neutral management improve net income of their employees and at the same time want the personnel costs, look at the choice of the service provider it that this demonstrably works with a field-proven software in the implementation and management. Comp & Ben is so far the only software on the German and international market for this purpose.