The online shows how to operate professional data backups with minimal Hannover – who does not know it? The hard disk is again a few creaking noises and then breathe out their eletronisches lives. Although disk drives are now so cheap, as rarely before. But with the installation of a new hard disk, the data cannot be won back. Rather the operating system and the application software must be reinstalled now in painstakingly. The payload should once and for all time lost if not a backup was performed.

Use an external hard drive, but exactly this many users shy away. Many computer users ensure the own user data appears as too complicated and time consuming. Data backups are nowadays no costly thing. As the recently reported, today external hard drives to backup of the computer internal hard disk are recommended. Low-cost data backup programs that are installed on the computer, then automatically reflect and at regular intervals, the entire contents of the hard drive to the external disk. Crash? Just click on “Restore” and good internal hard drive someday should refuse their service, so you can simply insert a new hard disk and play back the contents of the mirrored data from external disk.

“Often to simply restore” or restore “to go. The online in his column of computer & technology reports on these and other options of backup”.