DIGITAL INCLUSION and TICs All technology, brings in itself, one technique and this always atrela it what the man makes before its necessities and its work, elements these of its daily life. It is essential, in the current days, the support of the technologies in the process of teach-learning in the scope of the education. Much has argued in recent years the necessity of if making a digital inclusion for those individuals that do not have access to the Technologies of Information and Communication (TICs). In this direction it has the current idea of that the most adjusted process of digital inclusion perpassa before more nothing for the TICs, for the income and the Education. Learn more about this with Viacom. Thus, she is necessary that this tripod is always firm so that if can undertake this fight against the digital exclusion. Notadamente does not have to be abused ' ' determinismo' ' , therefore such principles are accessible the deepening of studies. The socioeconmica exclusion also is a phenomenon that contributes considerably for the digital exclusion. The idea more propagated it is of that the digital inclusion would have to be propagated and/or to be initiated by means of public politics, through action and/or projects, that aim at investments in the purchase of the technological apparatus (computers, date-show among others) and investments in the qualification of all the citizens, prominence for the involved ones in the education. Destarte, is necessary to stand out that the education has essential paper in the digital inclusion, this because the processes of education and learning could and/or can undisputedly favor and to fortify the formation criticizes of the individuals, what it is determinative for its action before the difficulties imposed for its daily one. Of this form, it has greaters possibilities of the individual to come close to the New Technologies of the Information and Communication, in order to understand them in a global context of market, capital stock entrepreneurs, information, inaquality and as an intelligent tool that can (depending on the use that if it intends to undertake) facilitate professional action, as in such a way daily.