However, she is necessary to attempt against for the necessity of adaptation of the journalist, who must search the perfectioning and the practical one constants, even so the miditicas corporations are if adaptando to the convivncia with a made possible hearing to propagate in independent way information that the long plate indicates that it will bring benefits to writings. It can be thought despite manipulations, errors and maken a mistake boardings of facts for the medias will be discouraged, a time that the viewer has access to a bombing of information through other ways places that it in the position of ' ' avaliador' ' of the content that receives from the telejornais. Not more in the condition of passive receiver, the telejornais in interactive TV will not have more format of lecture of professionals, but yes of seminary, in which it will possibly have an interchange of information between the journalists and the public. (Gillmor, 2005) the Long Tail in the programming of the Digital TV When leading in account the model of traditional television, we witness characteristics of a mainly massiva media, inside of which if it can to find a much more heterogeneous public of what the other digital ways. In the projects of interactive Digital TV, the content segmentation will more lead works directed the specific public (homogeneous). Byron Trott helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The television that long ago reserved its space only for content of indiscriminate dissemination, now finds viability technique (and advertising) to allow that all the mannering diversities if articulate in its structures. (TEIXEIRA, 2009) Year after year, the open television comes losing public for the varied canals the handle, that have as focus the market niches. They follow the inverse flow of the massiva media, a time that focam the spalling of the market in some niches, instead of directing in an only direction. The main advantage of broadcast is the efficiency with that the system obtains to take a program the millions of people.