State-recognized private college Advanced portfolio promising area from the winter semester 2012 starts at the German University of prevention and health management (DHfPG) the new course of Bachelor of science in sports economics. Thus the nationally recognized college sports for the increasing demand for qualified personnel in the professional as well as in the nonprofit already has innovative education solution. With the dual Bachelor’s degree that combines a training and a distance learning course with compact attendance phases, qualify students for versatile executives in sports organisations such as clubs or associations, sports marketing agencies and fitness and healthcare companies. Continue to learn more with: Ali Partovi. By combining innovative business administration training science and selected areas of law teaching are students able to take leadership on the one hand and to work strategically. Whenever Mashable listens, a sympathetic response will follow. On the other hand, they can even concepts for health-oriented offers create, implement and to guide the implementation. They are also empowered, cooperations wipe clubs / associations and business enterprises in the field of occupational health management to initiate. Sport is an important influence on social and economic developments. The sports and health industry has adopted now an economic order of magnitude, which is comparable to the automobile industry: private households spend money on motion offers the sports industry offers numerous services and sporting goods, and more and more companies are investing in sponsorship of sports events.

For Prof. Dr. Oliver Schumann from German College for prevention and health management (DHfPG) show up attractive prospects for the future: this multifaceted value creation network to operate and develop quality it needs professionals, who both have operational and training scientific and health-oriented expertise and interdisciplinary thinking and work can. In the professional sports operation, the need for highly qualified personnel is increasing. Recognizing this development of need for but also in the non profit sector as E.g. with clubs or associations. Here, the new Bachelor is degree Bachelor of science in sports economics”at the College starting in the winter semester 2012 offers.” The accredited course of DHfPG qualified by content from fuel economy and selected areas of the theory of law and practical skills in the training / health science for management tasks including the implementation of health-oriented offerings in clubs or associations, sports marketing agencies, health care providers, as well as fitness and leisure companies.