Competence-legal basis for the lands of the Crown of the old monarchy until 1918 in the country was the legislation and enforcement of land Affairs and the related skills for the Archduchy of at the Enns and the choice of the Parliament and of the Landesausschusse in detail regulated. Thus the land order was the basis for the political system in the Archduchy of Austria below the Enns River until 1918 powers of the country representative of the Archduchy of Austria below the Enns was represented in State Affairs by the lower Austrian Parliament. ‘S powers belonging to the sphere of the country representative were exercised either by the Parliament or the Committee. Composition of the Landtag of lower Austria the Austrian Parliament had a differentiated composition and consisted of a total of 66 members. The Prince-Bishop of Vienna and the Bishop of St were represented in the lower Austrian Parliament. Polten; the rector magnificus of the University of Vienna and another 63 elected members. A number of 15 MEPs had to represent the estate; 28 deputies had to represent the cities defined by the election rules and market towns as well as the Chambers of Commerce and industry; The other municipalities of the Archduchy had 20 members to represent Austria below the Enns.

From the middle of this Parliament, the Emperor had to appoint a land Marshal and a Deputy. The term of Office of the Parliament was 6 years. Composition of the lower Austrian country Committee of the National Committee was chaired by the country Marshal and consisted of 6 members from the circles of the Landtag. A member was chosen for the selection class of large estates; a member of the class of voters of cities and market towns as well as the Chambers of Commerce and industry and a member of the other municipalities of the country. The three other members were elected from the middle to the Parliament meeting. The Committee also had a term of 6 years. Competences of the Landtag of lower Austria the Austrian Parliament had in order to him allocated land Affairs Land Act to pass.

In addition, he had to elect 18 members of the Privy Council from among its members. As land Affairs were 1861 specifically named in the country: the national culture; the public buildings, which were denied by country means; the charity institutions endowed from national funds; the country estimates and the accounting of the country. Moreover, within the law the detailed instructions relating to Community Affairs, Church and school affairs and the preload services, catering and quartering of the armed forces. Also of the welfare affairs assigned to the country representative or the needs of the country concerned matters. The lower Austrian National Committee got skills of the lower Austrian country Committee the ordinary management of land assets; the country funds and institutions and initiated and oversaw the officers allocated to and servants. He had on these matters, as well as the enforcement the Parliament decisions to be accountable to the Parliament and applications in land matters for the Parliament of the order of the same or of their own accord prior to advise.