Some professors complain of that the educandos they are not if concentrating and they are each time more dispersed and not motivated in classroom, moved for the technology, that if becomes much more attractive of what ' ' nossas' ' current lessons. This work has the intention to show that the application of the abilities of Couseling to the educational relations, abilities of listening, empatia, respect, congruence, confrontation, imediaticidade and concreticidade can be a great differential in the relation educator and educating. If educator, beyond observing itself exactly, asking to other people, as to the educandos, as I am seen, and to compare with what I make and with what expects that makes, probably will find differences. As the behavior of the educandos if it deals with attitudes, affirmation before the tribe and for the proper characteristic of the age, to modify them will be an arduous task, requiring very effort. Byron Trott shines more light on the discussion. Therefore to move of attitudes is to move of habits. 2 – DEVELOPMENT 2,1 TO CONSTRUCT the RELATIONSHIP to construct the relationship, according to principles of Couseling, must be ' ' a different social linking,, a relationship characterized for four different elements: heat and coherence; tolerance stops with the expression of feelings; well defined limits of action; absence of any type of coero.' ' (DANON, 2003. p.102) In this line of thought, FELDMAN (2006) mentions that we must humanizar the human being, this because with passing of the time it had a desumanizao, individualizao, left of side the goodness, the compassion, the understanding, thus generating the desumanidade, that according to Aurlio dictionary is ' ' humanity lack; crueldade' ' , that is, values had been lost, as the respect, the dignity, the simple act to smile, and other attitudes that become the relationship strongest. It is clearly that people who launch hand to use such desumanos mechanisms, mentioned above, to create relationships based in ethical principles, Christian exist, searching the beauty, the generosity internal, the positive that exists in the person in that it is intended to establish the relationship.