Do this is a news section where I like to publicize everything new about Sjogren’s syndrome that happens in all mute, more than 500 thousand people living in the United Kingdom, but at the same time awakens the interest of doctors and scientists from the disease, as it was time do not believe? Almost $ 1,000,000 charitable funds for trial clinic Birmingham in Sjogren’s syndrome grave24 of January 2011 sjogren’s syndrome does not recognize Fronterasmedicos in Birmingham United Kingdom is planning a comprehensive clinical test of a serious autoimmune disease but little-known, called Sjogren’s syndrome, which affects about half a million people in the United Kingdom. In Sjogren’s syndrome the body attacks its own tissues, especially the tear glands and salivary glands, causing dryness of the mouth and eyes, and also extreme fatigue, and the participation of other internal organs. Now Dr. Simon Bowman, a rheumatologist consultant at Selly Oak Hospital, which has a special interest in Sjogren’s syndrome, has been awarded close to $1 million in medical research charity Arthritis Research from the United Kingdom to perform a drug test which expects that it could improve treatment. Dr. Bowman, who directed a small pilot study in Sjogren’s two years ago, now recruited up to 110 patients in hospitals around the country in a clinical trial at the large scale, comparing the rituximab versus placebo in improving dryness and fatigue. Rituximab is that they already have license to treat severe rheumatoid arthritis, and works by attacking the body of B cells that cause inflammation.

Those of us with an interest in Sjogren’s have been talking about doing a trial like this for some years, so I am delighted that we are finally coming to do it, said Dr. Bowman, who will be collaborating with Arthritis Research UK Professor of Rheumatology at the University of Leeds, Paul Emery and Leeds unit of clinical trialsProfessor Costantino Pitzalis of Queen Mary, University of London, and other colleagues. There is a good basic research to suggest that rituximab is worthy of looking at, and that this is a sensible judgment do, adds Dr. Bowman. Our previous pilot study showed that patients treated with a single course of the drug showed some improvement in fatigue, and a Dutch previous study which analyzed 30 patients also had resulted in the improvement of the levels of fatigue and symptoms of dryness. If the five year trial is a success, Dr.

Bowman hopes that rituximab, Roche, manufacturers will move forward to a commercial trial in order to obtain a license from the United Kingdom. There is a relationship between the lymphoma and Sjogren’s patients with increased risk of developing lymphoma. Rituximab was approved for the first time to treat non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This article seems very interesting, so next we will be analyzing it a bit and so we learn a little more about us this disease called Sjogren’s syndrome. Farewell of your your friend Celia but not before porfa a happy day… IMPROVING YOUR QUALITY of life yet living with the syndrome of Sjogren’s if you want more information about sjogren’s syndrome visit my blogs also will find a free report the sjogren’s syndrome and 30 tips to help care for your dry mouth and dry eyes completely free.