At the beginning of the task that you gave in which zone were you? In an unknown area, right? And of course your partner was a comfortable or known area. At the time that your colleague you showed how to do this task for you step from being somewhat uncomfortable to something comfortable. Therefore in order to grow and develop ourselves in every day must leave the comfortable zone and be more in the area unknown to increase our capacity to solve problems. The ease with which we can adapt ourselves to leave the comfortable zone tends to be linked to the ease with which we have to change a habit that would give us the next development. What is the most effective way to manage change? The concept of coaching is linked, in my opinion, to the transformation. The life of any human being of any of us, is immersed in a process of changes and continuous decision making. These decisions are made within a single framework for each person: their interpretation of reality, in the base which decides his life.
Imagine a person who is raised in an environment and there is incorporating ideas, developing an attitude and a way to think. With that legacy baggage, which are not encouraged to change, faces problems that will pose him the life and tries to realize their projects. But the result can be failure and frustration. A situation so we can act basically in two ways, blaming someone or lamenting our bad luck, or you modify that baggage of ideas and mental obstacles to confront the problems successfully and realize dreams. Normally, people not constructed possibilities until a crisis is not transformed into something so brutal that we not have another choice.
Something like what happens with an alcoholic when it touches bottom. What most do not see in the middle of a crisis is that things cannot be achieved only reacting to circumstances. Einstein summed it up when he said: the world has problems that cannot be solved thinking in the way that we thought when we created them. Any of us who decide to implement this postulate using coaching starts the process of change and transformation to which we alluded in the beginning of this article. The implications but this transformation has implications that go far beyond the isolated individual. People interact continuously either at the family level, circle of friends, work, etc. We do not live isolated. And it is inevitable that the changes that we introduce in our life, in our behavior, in our habits end up influencing those around us. In this way the coaching, becomes a catalyst for change and the transformation and growth of the human being in the environment in which it operates. In short when in your functions as a commercial you have to deal with new situations involving some kind of effort, rejoice because you’ll be growing and developing you. A are you waiting? It begins here today same with Coaching to enhance your process of change and achievement of goals.