From the header, menu navergacion, separating in a blog the comments of the article (this seems silly, do but how you think that thing?) It was a robot? There was a tag html to differentiate a few paragraphs of others). Not going to change the way of writing the code, especially will be to add new tags, few will be which disappear at all. But the crux of all this is who is going to use that information, whether this evolution of the code is intended to better communication with machines that track all the World Wide Web without rest, day and night, that are going to do with it? providing us with access to the information, or what is the same, sort it and display it in our searches. The evolution of the code will produce numerous changes in how to structure a Web site, will be a real revolution and is not grounds caible treat all lmbios that occur in a single entry of a blog. To know the dimension of this change, you must keep in mind that pages that we see today are made with an invention of 1999, taking into account the evolutionary pace of the World Wide Web, it would be comparable to the invention of the typewriter.

The way of working of search engines, browsers, professionals, etc. will be very different in just two years. Later we will start with more technical specifications regarding the new code, but us serves desktop and dream of an online world other than that we know. Now I leave a few links for you to continue investigating this topic of html5 that comes up. I hope you estudieis with the same enthusiasm as Edison to bust balls of glass, the same enthusiasm that we employ in this whole online scene: computer graphics of some of the new tags, will be many more!