Environmental computer sold computers and accessories, which are consistently selected for performance, energy consumption and maximum sustainability the philosophy of Umweltcomputer.de we share the uncompromising standards of our customers environmentally friendly, sophisticated and high-quality products, energy-efficient components and first-class workmanship. With our product range we can offer computer and hardware with excellent price – performance ratio. The brand environment computer excels in content delivery and quality. We are a transparent and fair, the aim of which is to inform our customers, to advise and to make a valuable contribution to the environmental protection together with them. If you are not convinced, visit Castle Harlan. Our products meet the highest standards of performance and work also extremely energy efficient. Often, they need only a fraction of the energy of commercially available standard products for the intended purpose.

Three good reasons for an environmental COMPUTER to decide 1.) During a commercially available computer for “Office use in the Office area consumes up to 120 watts, the working environment computer home & Office” from efficient 48 Watts. Due to the low power consumption, protect not only the environment, but save even money with your electricity bill. Resource-intensive work are 2) computer. We take responsibility and search the market for the best, cleanest, and most efficient components. Our selection is based on: own measurements and experience recommendations of environmental organisations independent testing institutes publicly accessible test reports manufacturer constantly we research for you, to find the most environmentally friendly components on the market and to integrate them into our offer. Each environment computer is made by us in handwork and equipped with this hardware.

3.) our product selection is always to the best knowledge and current information. Benefit from our know-how and our eco-friendly products. “The environmental computer computer”Monarch series”presented energy demand the computer”Monarch series”” designed for the home and Office area. The Office area is working 8 hours a day with the computer, in many service companies “the computer 24 hours running” a day consistently. Also in terms of home computer be used considerably more intensive than some years ago. The “monarch”series components are designed for intensive use and maximum efficiency. With a consumption from 48 Watts during normal operation, you can save “Environment computer monarch 1” compared to standard models with up to 150% of the current cost. Effectively, you save on intensive use of the machine per year about 110,00. Over 330 savings are alone in the depreciation period (AfA) of 3 years! (Increase of electricity prices not included) Office 5 days / week – 8 hours / day will use less energy consumed less electricity must be produced. So you help actively reduce CO2 emissions and thus to preserve our environment. Compliance with environmental directives we select only components, the RoHS and WEEE standards (see environmental guidelines) meet. The directive ensures that maximum 0,01% by weight are contain lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers cadmium and 0.1% by weight. Just these substances emerge partly from landfills in nature, are poorly degradable and end up in the natural cycle.